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Re: [udig-devel] WFS: missing NAMESPACE in DescribeFeatureType

I went and checked the WFS 1.1 specification as well; could the NAMESPACE entry be a vendor specific parameter? Is there any description of it in your deegree capabilities document? So far that is the only thing that makes sense to me.

I have created a bug report for you here:

I think I can modify the "non strict" WFSDataStore to add this NAMESPACE KVP argument in; although I don't wish to complicate matters if this is a problem Deegree is capable of fixing?

Good morning Tore:

A deegree wfs; sounds like fun. I am going to go look at the geotools codebase and see if we have a test case for deegree (our test cases are often in two parts; one with a Capabilities document and an "online" test that needs to know a public service on the web to test against).

You may want to try connecting to your WFS using the Add Data Wizard and ask it to use POST (rather than GET) when making DescribeFeatureType requests. I am going to read the WFS 1.0 specification and make sure NAMEPSACE is legit.

Checking document 02-058:
<xsd:element name="DescribeFeatureType" type="wfs:DescribeFeatureTypeType"/>
<xsd:complexType name="DescribeFeatureTypeType">
<xsd:element name="TypeName" type="xsd:QName" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:attribute name="version" type="xsd:string" use="required" fixed="1.0.0"/> <xsd:attribute name="service" type="xsd:string" use="required" fixed="WFS"/> <xsd:attribute name="outputFormat" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="XMLSCHEMA"/>
So it looks like NAMESPACE was added as part of the later WFS 1.1 specification, I would try the POST format and hope that deegree is conformant.

Checking the examples (say in section 8.3.1) show that uDig is indeed making the correct request; so unless you can think of a way for me to detect that this is a Deegree capabilities document you may need to send them a bug report. Actually it would be kind to send them a bug report anyways.


Tore Halset wrote:

I am following a guide to let a deegree wfs be availiable in version 1.0.0 with GML2 for clients not supporting GML version 3. I am doing this as I want uDig to work with my deegree wfs.

OpenJump with the WFS plugin create a DescribeFeatureType request like:

uDig create a DescribeFeatureType request like:

The request from uDig result in the following ServiceException
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ServiceException code="InvalidParameterValue" locator="unknown+location">Invalid "TYPENAME" parameter. No binding for prefix "app".</ServiceException>

Is there any reason for uDig not to include the NAMESPACE parameter?

 - Tore.
User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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