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[udig-devel] Procedures == Tasks

Hi Adrian the bulk of the online help is devoted to *just* this subject. The section is called "Tasks" and represent the really useful part of online help.

Online help for tasks has a *strict* structure; tasks are captures as a simple list of steps (if you want to explain anything link to a *Concept* page).

From this page:

Tasks: How to do something. Literally an introduction followed by a step by step procedure

With a quote from
Task topics tell users how to do something. Users who access task topics typically are focused on the job at hand, so provide them with a procedural presentation of the information they require. Task descriptions are step-by-step instructions for performing specific actions and tasks in the platform. For example, the Tasks section contains step-by-step instructions for creating a repository location, and for importing a file from the file system into the workbench.

Task topics are comprised of the following sections:

    * A brief introductory section, which helps orient the user to the
    * A procedure, which is a series of steps that describes how to
      accomplish a specific goal.

Use links to direct the user to related information; task topics do not provide conceptual information or present reference material.

When we did the design phase of uDig we wrote down the task page first; and then wrote the application to accomplish the task.

I'm going to compile a list of fundamental GIS user procedures. User
"Procedures" are 'descriptions of work steps by which users accomplish a
goal.' Procedures are sequences of atomic "Steps." With such a list we
can then:
        I. map each step in the procedure sequence to steps in the
        II. ensure the user has *enough visible information* to take
        each step in the procedure.
(Does udig / refractions already have such a list? If so it would make
sense to extend it in the same format.)
****** Example:
        A user wants to copy a section at the center of a map to a new
        shapefile set. This procedure mixes parts of the Map workflow
        (map-selection) with part of the service workflow
(service-selection and export). The user needs to know 1. What is selected in the map (assume a uDig 2.0 where map-selection can span many layers at once) 2. What of that can be dumped to a shapefile set (e.g. some layers may not be representable in shapefiles) 3. Which service is selected for the dump 4. Does the user have write access to that service 5. Is there enough space on the service for the dump? 6. What the name mapping going to be from the selection set to the file set After that the user, may be able to safely make the files. This
        example only stretches current functionality a tiny bit so
        addresses many current issues. You can see that there is lots of
        info needed along the way that uDig needs to give the user to be

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