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Re: [udig-devel] to R or not to R

Hi Jesse,

> Super interesting stuff.  Have you actually tried either of these?   
> How Statet integrates their R.  Do they have some JNI or something?   

I'm not sure, on a first very quick review I couldn't understand it,
I hoped that someone on the list had tried it :)
The python interface looks very nice. I'm just not sure if it will work
in jython, because I never gave a look at that. Will it wrap the
installed pyhton and there fore have all the packages? Is it a straight
implementation? I will have to give it a look :)

> Can you make use of their console somehow?  how does it compare to  
> what you have?  Just curious.

No, I don't thinks so. Our goal is that to mix up some languages in
order to interact "spatially" with each other. So for example I could
create some raster maps throught grass or jgrass algorithms and then on
the generated maps I would want to do some R analysis. Or inverse for
example do a Kriging through R (ex. from a point layer in a database),
which then writes a GRASS raster, and then access it with grass/jgrass
commands. This forces us to stay inside our editor and console, in
order to be able to follow the whole workflow.


> Jesse
> On Oct 11, 2007, at 8:46 AM, Andrea Antonello wrote:
> > Hi all, (and mostly Adrian, because we talked a bit about that in
> > the past):
> >
> > How is the actual interest about R and Udig?
> >
> > I have a couple of collected thoughts about how R should fit into
> > udig and connect direktly to maps and would like to know what you
> > guys think.
> >
> > Python has a rpy package that fully supports r and also traps its
> > errors. So that seems to be a great way to go through jython. You  
> > think
> > that we could access to all this if we implement Jython support in
> > the new JGrass console?
> >
> > Different way: the statet
> > plugin?
> >
> > Just thought,
> > would be glad to hear comments.
> >
> > Ciao
> > Andrea
> > _______________________________________________
> > User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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