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[udig-devel] WFS using an EPSG code unknown to uDig 1.1

Janis Viklis wrote:

When I try to view a map in uDIG from WFS layer:

it does not shows "the map picture". I think, it somehow related to our projection: LKS_92 (attached it the original .prj file)

When I add it to the map from the same server's WMS service - it renders map picture well.,6271455.164520801,489478.51267282956,6284465.037334055&styles=&Format=application/openlayers&request=GetMap&layers=topp:jel_ielas_9shp&width=800&height=716&srs=EPSG:100004

Can someone help to figure this out?
Your capabilities document shows the following information for that layer:
  <Abstract>Generated from jel_ielas_9shp</Abstract>
<LatLongBoundingBox minx="23.616926149022447" miny="56.59254764803861" maxx="23.818077125964635" maxy="56.69834701801073"/>
The important part is EPSG:100004 - we better hope that maps to the prj file you described in your email.

Checking in uDig 100004 is not a supported projection; to get your map to work we will need to add this projection to uDig. I tried changing the map projection to the one you provided but did not get any joy.

GeoServer is using a more recent version of the epsg database than uDig.

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