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[udig-devel] Re: Eclipse 3.3 extras idea

On 8/10/07, Jody Garnett <jgarnett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Andrea Antonello wrote:
> > I finally got to build everything on trunc and things are fine (me very
> > happy).
> >
> Woot!
> > So what comes next? Export a nice jgrassudig product... but that was
> > also solved and now I finally have the the plugins needed from the 3.3
> > pool to export the product. (me very very happy)
> >
> Woot! Congrats...

Thanks man! :)

> > The export complains about the missing language packs that IBM will not
> > give away for the 3.3. A community project is starting on them... but in
> > the meanwhile... I opened them all and changed the min-max version
> > values in the MANIFEST files. (me not so happy, but it works, if someone
> > wants the plugins just tell me, if I should put them somewere, just tell me)
> >
> We should put them somewhere, perhaps the webdav folder? We could also
> include them in our "Extras" download (we should
> put one together for Eclipse 3.3 anyways). Although Eclipse 3.3 is so
> "useful" out of the box our "extras" may only be the language pack and
> the udig developers documentation.

Yes, I think that could be a good idea.
Would it be feasable to create for udig and related projects language
packs in order to make translations easier?
As it is now there is this part in the wiki, but plugins of just text
files seem more dealable with for non developing people. Our JGrass
team will have to do the whole Italian translation of UDig at some
point (interested people and those who could help please contact me!!)
and I have serious difficulties to make a non technitian work on this.
But perhaps there is something I don't know and it is easier than I
However I like the idea of the language pack.


> Jody

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