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[udig-devel] problem rendering Oracle data

Hi there,

I can't seem to get uDig to render Oracle data at all direct from the table.  Here's what I am doing

  • Add a new layer to an existing map which is already zoomed into a location where I know there is data (I have the same table loaded through Geoserver's WFS interface.)
  • Choose Oracle as data source
  • Enter connection details
  • Choose schema from drop down box
  • Choose table from list of available.

At this point uDig insists it is rendering the data and indeed the java process consumes much of the CPU's resources along with the Oracle process but nothing is rendered and eventually the CPU usage drops (after a few minutes)  At first I thought this CPU usage could be attributed to the fact that I am loading a very complex table (Ordnance Survey Mastermap data) but I have just tried loading a table with no features and that failed too in the same way.  In both cases no error was seemingly reported and in both cases the CPU was monopolised for at least 10 minutes.

The only difference in behaviour between the 2 tables was that the table with features was not added to the list of layers when the CPU usage dropped, whereas the table with no features was and had an error (I had to tell it the projection)

I tried to plot new features in the table with no existing features but on each occasion the feature would vanish whenever I tried to commit the change.

I wonder if this could be projection related?  The OS data in Oracle is in 81989 which is British National Grid and I am convinced this is the same as 27700 (also British National Grid).  uDig seems to only know 27700, as does Geoserver so Geoserver is set to read it as 27700 in WFS.

The table with no features is registered in Oracle as 27700.

I have run an update on the OS data tables to "rectify_geometry()" on all columns but I still get the same problem.

Can anyone help?

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