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[udig-devel] Editing shapefiles

Hi all,
sometimes if I want to add a new line to an old shapefile the program seems to do this (the feature is drawn on the screen) but in fact it doesn't (if I make a refresh or change the zoom the feature disappears). If I look at the table view it doesn't appear the new feature I am drawing... There are no error message anywhere so I don't know which is the real reason but I understood that it happens when I try to add the second or third feature after making a commit of the first feature of the shapefile. To solve this problem I have to save the feature with the commit tool and then delete the shapefile from the layer list and from the catalog and reload it, if I do this then I can draw the new feature
and save it.

I think there are some problem in the commit tool but I really don't
know how to help you to find this problem.

Thanks in advance,


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