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Re: [udig-devel] How to get started with Renderer

Jody Garnett ha scritto:
The following IRC chat is good ... and points to a need to improve our documentation.

jonathanv: my god
jonathanv: the udig drawing code sure is clever
***jgarnett:* you like the dynamic part? it is pretty sweet
*jgarnett:* The best way I have explained it is in an OGC document
*jgarnett:* I cut and pasted the pictures onto our wiki
*jgarnett:* but the most clear text is on the ogc document
jonathanv: i've been tracing for days and i still can't find the part where it actually pulls data from a layer to draw it.
jonathanv: i wonder if this is why udig has so many rendering bugs.

Which really means, the design is probably overly clever :)
Dijkstra said that we should use only half of our goodness when designing software, because debugging is twice as hard (than designing):

"The competent programmer is fully aware of the strictly limited size of his own skull; therefore he approaches the programming task in full humility, and among other things he avoids clever tricks like the plague."

In fact, debugging this beast made me pull quite some hairs...
A simpler design is needed, I hope we'll be able to port the
renderer back to Geotools and radically simplify it at the same time.


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