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[udig-devel] geotools SNAPSHOT deployed yesterday at 10:05 was not up to date

Semi victory -
- udig build.xml file updated to grab a geoapi timestamp
- geotools deploy is out of sync again?

The first issue shows up as - DataUtilities.urlToFile( url ) being missing ...
Richard deployed the "fix" yesterday at 10:35 am (this fix is in svn)
Something or someone else deployed again yesterday at 10:05 pm :-) - and removed the fix (or had not updated their svn).

Is a build box lurking around doing deploys on me? Richard can you deploy again?

The second issue was a mistake in the build.xml file - I have been able to replicate the problem (by removing my local repository). It turns out that the build.xml file was looking for - the date stamped thing in the local repository, and the SNAPSHOT thing in the remote repository. That is it was exactly backwards - and nobody notices since both were set to the same "SNAPSHOT" setting - until Cory yesterday.


Andrea Antonello wrote:
Alright, good.
I'll wait for your news to try that out.


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