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[udig-devel] Adding stuff an Overview

Is the user doing this? Or are you generating the lines, polygons and points?

The Tool tutorial walks through the steps need to interact with the user (on the map) You can look at how an operation works in order to interact with a Layer (ie right click menu)

At the end of the data you are going to:
1. Use a IGeoResource.resolve( FeatureStore.class, progressMonitor )
2. Use the FeatureStore.addFeatures( featureCollection ) method

If you want to make the features you will need to:
1. FeatureCollections.newInstance() to make the FeatureCollection
2. FeatureStore().getSchema() to get the FeatureType
3. FeatureType.create( Object[], String ) to make individual Features

For Geometry we use the JTS library, you can grab a GeometryFactory to create the points, lines and poloygons...

Does this help?
Hello again,

I'm just starting to design a class that writes spatial data onto a layer, including lines, polygons and points. I've searched through the source code but cannot find any similar code that could give me an idea on how it's done.

I've designed a similar class using OpenMap but just don't know where to start with uDig. Can any one point me in the right direction?


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