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Re: [udig-devel] FAQs?

On May 1, 2007, at 11:27 AM, Peter N. Schweitzer wrote:

I'm new to uDig, running Linux (Slackware), and wonder if what I see
is what should be expected.  My data sources are local shapefiles
and PostGIS features (imported from shapefiles).

1. I don't get any information (no new tabs or windows appear)
  when I select the "Info" tool and click on a polygon.  Is
  this a known problem for Linux?

There's an issue with the browser integration on linux you have to set MOZILLA_HOME variable to something :P You should be able to find the instructions online.

2. I cannot get the online help; I get a popup window titled
  "Problems Opening Link" containing the message "Unable to
  open web browser on {0}".  Is there some way to specify an
  external application (Firefox) as the web browser?

Hmmm. Eclipse allows you to do that but it seems we don't. Fixing MOZILLA_HOME should fix this. There is also a way you can specify the port of the server and then you could use firefox to hit that port and view the help... Mind you you'd still have to go to online help then open firefox.

3. I don't have the ArcSDE plugin and I don't need it.  Can I tell
  uDig not to go looking for it, otherwise the log file gets lots
  of exception information about this?

THis has been fixed for the next version. You can also just delete the net.refractions.udig.catalog.arcsde_* jar from the plugins directory.

4. I wish the layer style composer would allow an unlimited number
  of unique values rather than a maximum of 12.  Then I could export
  the SLD and customize it.  I don't want to group text values.
  Does this make sense?

Yeah this is a common request and we're working on it.


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