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Re: [udig-devel] managing raster layers aditional questions

Elias Ruiz wrote:

Hi Jesse

Following my latest question, i want to know if are there any plugin (or maybe another free software) that I could be use in order to have a visual managing system for the layers stored in a postgis (geographical) database. You can create, delete, rename, reproject, export, import any layer to and from the ArcSDE service (something like to PosGis, but indeed it is more like the oracle spatial extension) It is know that ESRI has ArcCatalog and that its interface is similar al file explorer (explorer.exe) of windows. If we could have a similar plug-in then the existing “connection” plugin should be enough.

There is a bit of software called GeoNetwork which is an OGC Catalog Servicee. But it is more about publishing information then managing. We would like to make a catalog perspective for uDig but have not found volunteers (or money) to pursue this interest. The existing functionality in uDig is a start - but it is focused on Maps; but an entire screen dedicated to managing PostGIS would be better.

I see also that the simbology it is managed in Udig software. I my case I added one layer called Departamentos (in my country this is the highest political division) and it has 25 poligons. I noticed that the display time (rendering) is quite acceptable (we have an enormous precision for the political boundaries layers) but whe I use the style editor (simbologize) characteristic and choose the “theme” page, it only can manage until 12 clases (unique values). I want to know if it is possible to increment the number writing it directly by hand, or better yet, that I can be automatically detected.

We based that number of some colour science research (called colour brewer) based on the number of colors people can figure out when looking at a map. You can define a new page for the style editor that goes beyond these precanned palettes.

Finally I want to know if there is one list with all the plugins developed. I noticed that a few of them are available using the svn tool, but I think that there are more (especially the similar characteristics of ESRI’s ArcGIS software, or the Bentley’s MicroStation software)

We should be refreshing the update site; so the one list is available in the help menu. We have not talked to the community in a while; perhaps some more plugins are available fore public show and tell.


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