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Re: [udig-devel] Problem with adding features to an exsiting resource

Hi Tony,

This is problem with many of the resources.  I've updated the code and am releasing and SDK with fixes for the Bounding box issue... So I think it isn't well tested at this point let me know how it goes.


On Apr 16, 2007, at 7:27 AM, tony.roth@xxxxxx wrote:

Hi list,
I create a resource (with "createTemporaryResource(featureType)") and add some features to it. Then the layer is created and everything is fine. Later I want to reuse this resource (and the layer) and remove all features of this resource. Then I add new Features to the (empty) resource but the resource's envelope isn't updated. This means that the new features are added (I see this when debuging) but the envelope of the resource still has the value of the moment the resource was bound to a layer to a map and their envelope. This means that the resource contains the new features but they aren't showed on the map.
The resource is a MemoryGeoResource object which has a ScratchResourceInfo object which contains a FeatureListener.  This Featurelistener calculates in void changed(...) (implemented method of interface FeatureListener()) the new bounding box but this method is never called when adding new features to the resource.
Which object do I have to add to which 'eventmanager' that this method will be called?
I really hope that someone can help me. If I can't reuse my resource due to this problem, I have to generate a new resource of the same feature type which means to copy the feature type or write my own memory memorydatastore (since the name of the feature type is used for distinguish the resources).
Another problem with the envelope of a temporary layer:
The first time the resource (geometry: Point) is created, the Style for this resource is set in such a way that an external graphic (17x17 pixel) is shown. In my application the user can activate via an action that an attribute of this feature is shown as a text string next to the point in the map. If the user wants that, a method changes the Style of this layer (confusing SLD stuff :-) and the text is shown *but* this text is also clipped at a bounding box /envelope containg the features of the resources. Therefore the text of feature which lays at the right (eastern) edge of the envelope of this resource is not shown since it would be outside the envelope. Even if the user zooms out (that there would be enough space on the map, which as another (larger) envelope).
I tested this behaviour with udig standalone (1.1RC9) and there is the same problem: When you create a new temporary layer and add a attribute which you can show in the map via changing the style of the layer, then this text is not shown if the feature is the topmost or near the right (eastern) edge.
tony roth
User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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