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[udig-devel] RV: issues with gdi plus (gdi+) and Java Advanced Imaging and Image IO



I had a few problems in the installation of eclipse for plugin development, but I solve all of them:


a)       Java Advanced Imaging


-                           It is available following the link:


b)       Java Image IO


-                           It is available following the link:  (don’t forget to use the tricky tip at the end of the web page)


c)       GDI Plus

-                           It is available in

And the name is “Platform SDK Redistributable: GDI+”. Actually it is required a genuine version of windows operating system, but it is a “redistributable” version.


-                           The zip file is the attached. You must to rename it deleting the “.bak” four last characters in order to pass most firewalls settings. Unzip the executable an extract in any directory.

-                           There are three files: gdiplus.dll, license.txt and redist.txt. you must copy the gdiplus.dll file into the udgi application directory (c:\java\sdk\udig) and that’s it. The application runs





Elias Ruiz


Attachment: gdiplus_dnld.exe.bak
Description: gdiplus_dnld.exe.bak

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