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Re: [udig-devel] GeoTiffs, ImageIO, plug-ins, catastrophe

Hi again Gary;

In reviewing the uDig mailing list on the topic I found this (from Jesse):
We always use the JAI that is installed in the ext directory. Where is this code being called from? Every plugin that uses JAI must add the line:

Eclipse-BuddyPolicy: ext

In your file.

This states that the extensions in the JVM's lib/ext directory will be available on the classpath of that plugin. It could be that the method you are using is getting the File from the wrong classloader (the lib one perhaps).
Not sure if it will help, note that uDig is using the GeoTools 2.2 release (and that raster support has been reworked as of GeoTools 2.3.0 ) so perhaps we are broken and will not find out until we update.


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