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Re: [udig-devel] Need help to change the schema and add new

Thank you, Jesse for your example of copy features from a layer :-) .
I was also trying to change the "schema" from the "data store" first to add new "attribute types"  and new data to the features. For example: In my old layer i have:

DefaultFeatureType [name=PeruSur , namespace= , abstract=false , types=(DefaultAttributeType [name=the_geom , type=class com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiPolygon , nillable=true, min=1, max=1],DefaultAttributeType [name=DEPCOD , type=class java.lang.String , nillable=true, min=1, max=1],DefaultAttributeType [name=DEPNOM , type=class java.lang.String , nillable=true, min=1, max=1],)]

So, I would like to add more "attributes types" to have new colums "Fields" in the table of the NEW layer.


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