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[udig-devel] Interaction with system eclipse

From time to time I download uDig and give it whirl. Looks very promising.

I tried RC9 today and two things I noticed:

1) If I download and unzip everything into /opt/udig as root and then
run uDig as an ordinary user, it dies with JVM error code=13.
Apparently uDig needs write access to its installation directory in
order to work. That makes no sense in a Linux environment where app
directories are generally not touched by users.

2) Running uDig will completely hose your existing eclipse
environment. I use eclipse for other programming projects and after
running uDig, I loose all my setting. Perspectives created by
installed plugins disappear (lots of 'cannot restore perspective'
errors). This has happened to me (today) when trying the all-in-one
download and previously when I've tried to run it without downloading
all the bundled Eclipse/JVM bits. Needless to say, this is exceedingly
annoying. Any tips on getting uDig to coexist with eclipse for other


Timothy H. Keitt, University of Texas at Austin
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