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[udig-devel] Re: [Geotools-devel] Complex features from TOPP and the FGDC

That's great! Congratulations Chris!


El Jueves, 5 de Abril de 2007 17:25, Chris Holmes escribió:
> So we got some great news today, our application for an FGDC CAP grant
> was accepted.  This will enable us to work on the complex feature model
> for GeoTools, as well as a WFS 1.1 datastore.  And then integrating all
> this in to uDig, and helping out to make it even more user friendly.
> Details of the award are at:
> Our plan is to get all the complex feature work firmly on trunk.  There
> are a few contingency plans if we can't quite do it all the way, but we
> are scheduling a good bit of time to make it happen, so should at least
> make some solid progress.  We can likely delay starting a bit if others
> have potential for getting funded, as we very much want to collaborate
> on this.  If not we'll give it our best shot.
> Chris

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