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Re: [udig-devel] Soutth pole projections

anthony farrant ha scritto:

I'm very enthusiatic about uDig. But I'm having major problems rendering correctly
layers on south pole projections: South_Pole_Lambert_Azimuthal_Equal_Area &

Each time I try to project à classical lat/long layer (WGS 84) on my polar layer it
projects it flat on point 0.0/0.0 straight on the south pole.

I've tried this on arcview and it renders correctly. Do you have any idea of what could be the problem? I've changed the project projection accordingly. I have the same problem with most other opensource Desktop Gisses: qGIS, Diva, OpenEV but to no avail.

Only MapServer/Mapscript does the trick and ArcView.

udig uses quite an old version of the projection code in Geotools.
Basically we have three versions around:
* the code coming from geotools 2.2.x, which is used by uDig and Geoserver 1.4.1, and which has real troubles with ellipsoid changes and a bit of projections as well * the code coming from geotools 2.3.x, which is used by Geoserver 1.5.0rc3, which has the latest EPSG database inside and can handle
more projections
* the code from Geotools trunk, which is used by Geoserver trunk and
some uDig branch too, that has specific fixes for some artic projections (I don't know the details well here, sorry).

Can you give a shot at Geoserver 1.5.0rc3 and tell us it that one is working? If so, it may be that a forecoming version of uDig based on geotools 2.3.x will be able to handle your case (provided it switches from epsg-wtk to epsg-hsql too, that is, to a full EPSG database).
Otherwise, I do believe you'll have a long wait before issues are fixed.

If you have test data you can give me, I can try to use Geoserver trunk
and check if at least the latest and greatest handle your case properly,
if not, we can open a jira issue and have it fixed.


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