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Re: Problem with reusing a featuretype (was: Re: [udig-devel] two questions about using shapefiles for uncommon things)

no, that's not correct. I create exactly one feature type with the name and then I want to create two resources (later: two layer) of this type. It's like
FeatureTypeBuilder featureBuilder = FeatureTypeBuilder.newInstance(myFeatureTypeName);
// ... add attributes to this type
FeatureType featureType = featureBuilder.getFeatureType();
resource = CatalogPlugin.getDefault().getLocalCatalog().createTemporaryResource(featureType);
resource2 = CatalogPlugin.getDefault().getLocalCatalog().createTemporaryResource(featureType);
The second resource could not be build (see exception below). Either it is not allowed to create more than one resource of a featureType or the implementaion in udig has a bug. I think it can be a common usecase to have different layer containing features of the same featuretype.
tony roth

Von: Jesse Eichar jeichar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Tony,

I think that the problem is that the two feature types have the same  
name so the second can't be created.

Try something like:

FeatureTypeBuilder builder=new FeatureTypeBuilder();
builder.importType( oldType );
builder.setName( "newname" );


On Mar 23, 2007, at 9:08 AM, tony.roth@xxxxxx wrote:

>> Von: Jesse Eichar
>> On 20-Feb-07, at 4:38 AM, tony.roth@xxxxxx wrote:
>>> Hi list,
>>> in our project we are using jira plugins in our eclipse rcp
>>> application. It is used for the visualization of different  
>>> facilities
>>> on a map. The map is delivered by a wms server, the facilities are
> stored
>>>  in a database (mysql). To show these facilities a temporary  
>>> shape file
>>> is created. It was a funny thing writing mixed up big and little  
>>> endian
>>>  variables with java but finally it works :-) (yes, I suppose  
>>> somewhere
>>>  an api / lib exists but.. where?)
>>> i) Is this the canonic way? Or is it somehow possible to create an
>>>  in-memory layer instead of writing a shape file?
>> There are code snippets for just this sort of thing at:
> net.refractions
>> .udig.code.examples/src/net/refractions/udig/code/examples/
> I have a problem with reusing a generated featuretype:
> At first I create the featuretype (this is done exactly once):
> FeatureTypeBuilder featureBuilder =
> FeatureTypeBuilder.newInstance(myFeatureTypeName);
> featureBuilder.addType(AttributeTypeFactory.newAttributeType
> ("geometry",
> Point.class,true, Integer.MAX_VALUE, null,  
> DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84));
> featureBuilder.addType(AttributeTypeFactory.newAttributeType("foo",
> String.class, true, Integer.MAX_VALUE));
> featureBuilder.addType(AttributeTypeFactory.newAttributeType("bar",
> String.class, true, Integer.MAX_VALUE));
> FeatureType featureType = featureBuilder.getFeatureType();
> then I create the ressource:
> resource =
> CatalogPlugin.getDefault().getLocalCatalog().createTemporaryResource
> (featureType);
> I itereate through a list of values and add features to the ressource:
> GeometryFactory fac = new GeometryFactory();
> FeatureStore fs = resource.resolve(FeatureStore.class, null);
> for (ListItem item : list) {
>  Coordinate pointCoordinate = new Coordinate(item.get...);
>  Point point = fac.createPoint(pointCoordinate);
>  String foo = item.get...
>  String bar = item.get...
>  Feature feature = featureType.create(new Object[]{point,foo,bar});
>  fs.addFeatures(DataUtilities.collection(new Feature[]{feature}));
> }
> finally I create the layer
> LayerFactory layerFactory = map.getLayerFactory();
> Layer layer = layerFactory.createLayer(resource);
> ...
> This works and the layer is shown in the map
> Later the application tries to create a new layer based on a  
> resource of
> this featuretype. It starts with
> resource =
> CatalogPlugin.getDefault().getLocalCatalog().createTemporaryResource
> (featureType);
> (like above) but I get an exception:
> java.lang.RuntimeException
>  at
> net.refractions.udig.catalog.internal.CatalogImpl.createTemporaryResou
> rce(
>  at ... the row with [resource = CatalogPlugin....] (see above)
> Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Schema  
> modification not
>  supported
>  at
> (
>  at
> net.refractions.udig.catalog.memory.internal.TemporaryResourceFactory.
> createResource(
>  at
> net.refractions.udig.catalog.internal.CatalogImpl.createTemporaryResou
> rce(
>  ... 54 more
> What am I doing wrong? I'm not modifyfing the featureType any more,  
> I just
> want to create a new (a second) ressource based on the featureType.  
> Isn't
> it possible?
> In
> net.refractions.udig.catalog.memory.internal.TemporaryResourceFactory.
> createResource
>  udig wants to update the featureType but it seems to be not allowed.
> thanks for any help,
> tony roth
> ps At the moment we are using UDIG 1.1 RC8 in our project.
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> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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