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[udig-devel] Re: Problems with reloading JGrass

Yes I saw the Nullpointer. I think I might have at least partly addressed that issue. I have one comment from looking at your project. Don't do the following.


Instead do


The reason is that a layer could have more that one georesource and the context dictates which one the renderer is supposed to use.


On 5-Mar-07, at 4:34 AM, Andrea Antonello wrote:

Hi Jesse,
I tried and it reloads the jgrass service now.
I get a nullpointer exception in the renderer, but this is a problem I
will solve on my own as soon as I have time to stay in front of a pc, so
don't mind :)


Jesse Eichar probaly wrote:
Hi Andrea,

I found the problem... Its not yours.  It is an old uDig bug that we
haven't fixed. Essentially the guy who wrote the persistence code for the service parameters only made it work for Strings and he was the guy who wrote all of the existing services so it worked... its obviously a poor solution. I've just done most of the work to fix this problem, So that you can store "normal" types, integer, string, urls etc... and am
writing unit tests to verify that it works.

I'll get it done here soon so don't worry about this issue.


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