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[udig-devel] Re: Problems with reloading JGrass

Hi Jesse,
I tried and it reloads the jgrass service now.
I get a nullpointer exception in the renderer, but this is a problem I
will solve on my own as soon as I have time to stay in front of a pc, so
don't mind :)


Jesse Eichar probaly wrote:
> Hi Andrea,
> I found the problem... Its not yours.  It is an old uDig bug that we
> haven't fixed.  Essentially the guy who wrote the persistence code for
> the service parameters only made it work for Strings and he was the guy
> who wrote all of the existing services so it worked...  its obviously a
> poor solution.  I've just done most of the work to fix this problem, So
> that you can store "normal" types, integer, string, urls etc...  and am
> writing unit tests to verify that it works.
> I'll get it done here soon so don't worry about this issue.
> Jesse

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