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Re: [udig-devel] roadmap png (no coffee)

Hi Jody,

>>> If we go back to the origional uDig design documents for DataAccess you
>>> can see some thoughts for chained operations (but that was with Features
>>> in mind).
>> Where can I see that?
> Right - we started the uDig project in co-operation with the Candian
> Government (specifically GeoConnections). As such we produced lots of
> fun documentation ...
>> From the uDig Documentation Page 
> ( you
> can click on GeoConnections Resource
> (
> and find milestone reports and a bunch of interesting links.
> The design document (not everything made our timeline):
> -
> These two were kind of related to what you are talking about:
> -
> -
> You can try the docs folder directly but it is a bit of a mess.

Alright, I hope I'm able to get into it by the end of this week. Thanks.

>>> Quickly: I had thought of a simple "Map" of settings (to build a UI
>>> from), a declaration of the inputs (ie Type) and the output. (ie Type).
>>> Build it all as a straight up domain model, use GEF to make a simple
>>> graphic editor for the chaining part and then ... start running data
>>> through.
>> This sound exactly the way I want it to be. :)
> It may be better to make an object model for how you do things in GRASS
> *right now*; even just a couple of operations and then use that as an
> excuse to learn the graphical editing framework. If you want an example
> in uDig you can look at the page layout code (where we simply lay out
> boxes).

Oh, that is good! I really wanted to try the GEF framework. Now I have a
startpoint. To cite you Jody: sweet! ;)

>>> So please use your recent operations experience (even if just as a
>>> simple example) and your experience actually chaining stuff and see what
>>> pops out.
>> Jody, I guess it is a problem of language (both English and development
>> :)) of mine, but I don't understand exactly what you mean. I mean, I
>> think I got what you are saying, but you talk about things I never saw
>> and heard and there are no references towards somewhere to look, whereas
>> you usually give them.
> Sorry I was not near a browser when I sent the email :-( Please blame my
> enthusiasm for the idea - (apparently replying to you quick != useful)

Blame you for enthusiasm? Never! It's enthusiasm that keeps me awake on
this stuff and going on. And when people are enthusiast about common
ideas... then it's good! :)

>> So could you please repeat the "quickly" part a bit slower?
> Indeed - I can try and join this weeks IRC meeting (and bring a picture
> or something).

That would help a lot, but there is a big problem. I'm abroad for the
whole week and won't have the possibility to get into IRC in the Italian
evening. So for me the only way would be the meeting of the next week,
assuming you mean the wednesday evening udig-helps-jgrass meetings.
That would also give me some time to look into the docs.
Would that be ok for you?


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