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Re: [udig-devel] roadmap png (no coffee)

On Thu, 2007-02-15 at 11:44 +0100, Andrea Antonello wrote:
> ...
> In the meanwhile I would like to add to the research part of udig the
> console and scripting engine and the connections to the R statistical
> package.
> Ciao
> Andrea

Hey Andrea,

Do you have a design yet for your connection to R? The CGIAR folk are
using a connection to RServe; I have been playing with a connection to a
local R process via JRI. Do you have a plan yet?

Also, are you going to be constructing Rsp objects? The JRI methods are
still relatively simple for the construction of R objects (last I looked
you could pass matrices in/out but not Data.Frame objects). Since more
and more of the spatial methods in R are using Rsp, it seems it might be
useful to create an RDataStore or something similar. I'll probably be
exploring this over the next couple of months,


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