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Re: [udig-devel] A question about MapServer as a WFS server being used by UDIG as client

By default the uDig first tries POST then GET. Usually I get this exception from the POST. yes just tried it. Use the WFS wizard to import and check advanced. Under advanced check GET. Using that setting you shouldn't get the exception.


On 9-Feb-07, at 9:27 AM, Vitali Diatchkov wrote:

A question about MapServer as a WFS server being used by UDIG as client.

How to fight with selection in WFS layer coming from MapServer when it supports only GET request and a bit more complex filters (produced by UDIG) are failed like in example:

<ServiceExceptionReport xsi:schemaLocation=" ogc";>
msWFSGetFeature(): WFS server error. Invalid or Unsupported FILTER in GetFeature : <Filter xmlns=""; xmlns:gml=" gml"><And><BBOX><PropertyName>msGeometry</PropertyName> <gml:Box><gml:coordinates decimal="." cs="," ts=" ">3650760.230009775,7123919.1817858415 3656878.861034746,7129008.510395397</gml:coordinates>
<gml:Polygon><gml:outerBoundaryIs><gml:LinearRing><gml:coordinates decimal="." cs="," ts=" ">3651381.0790857403,7126860.045829887 3651381.0790857403,7128183.434649707 3653055.737777488,7128183.434649707 3653055.737777488,7126860.045829887 3651381.0790857403,7126860.045829887</gml:coordinates>


This is an output to GET request being generated by GeoTools from StreamingRenderer in UDIG trying to render a simple BBOX selection made by tool. Isn't it the only one way - a hack to selection tools to produce really simple filters that can be encoded without XML in URL in case of WFS layers..?


User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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