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Re: [udig-devel] jgrass2udig some questions

Hi Andrea,

I've been really busy here the last few days. I'll have some time tomorrow morning to answer questions. (I haven't forgotten you). But I haven't been able to check any of my email since Thursday.

Talk to you soon,


On 9-Feb-07, at 7:37 AM, Andrea Antonello wrote:

I've implemented what I think is the right way for the catalog support
for a JGrass database service. The testclass gives me nice results, so
I'm glad. But obvously the nice way is to drag the folder and see what
happens... :) but nothing happens.

I'm trying to have a look at another plugin that works with dnd, but
probably someone can help me towards a proper way.
1 - how do I get the service visible through DnD?
2 - if 1 is really done through the implementation of factory and
wizard, why does the catalog.shp not have one? Can I take the
catalog.wms as an example?

A question not directly related. I'm starting to get together some code
also for a jgrass.lib plugin (slowly, slowly). Can I have a small SVN
playground were to have my stuff secured?


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