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Re: [udig-devel] jgrass2udig some questions

On Fri, 2007-02-09 at 16:37 +0100, Andrea Antonello wrote:
> I've implemented what I think is the right way for the catalog support
> for a JGrass database service. The testclass gives me nice results, so
> I'm glad. But obvously the nice way is to drag the folder and see what
> happens... :) but nothing happens.
> I'm trying to have a look at another plugin that works with dnd, but
> probably someone can help me towards a proper way.
> 1 - how do I get the service visible through DnD?
> 2 - if 1 is really done through the implementation of factory and
> wizard, why does the catalog.shp not have one? Can I take the
> catalog.wms as an example?

Do you mean that you are trying to drag and drop from the Catalog to the
Map Editor? There shouldn't be much work required there. The catalog.wms
plug-in would be a good example to look at, as would the other database
catalog plug-ins. Shapefile is probably a special case because it is
file based. 

I can't quite remember clearly, but in the case of catalog.wms, I think
the drag and drop framework queries the WMSConnectionFactory, so you may
want to look there first.

If you are trying to drag from something outside of uDig, that is a
different problem and involves more setup. If it is file-based, you may
be able to get away with using the extension point
"net.refractions.udig.catalog.ui.fileFormat". See catalog.gml for an

Let me know if I can provide more info. Feel free to get on IRC as well.


> A question not directly related. I'm starting to get together some code
> also for a jgrass.lib plugin (slowly, slowly). Can I have a small SVN
> playground were to have my stuff secured?
> Thanks,
> Ciao
> Andrea
> _______________________________________________
> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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