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Re: [udig-devel] Several spatial operations are needed

Hi Vitali, we are developing some spatial operations. You can see more inside 
Axios community space:

I think, issue 1 "Division of the layer ... " could be "intersection" 
operation / tool  

and  "2)Cutting of the set of features by a polygon (a mask). ... " could 
be "Clip"

Nowadays, we are in 0.1.0 M3, more in the following



On Monday 05 February 2007 18:51, Vitali Diatchkov wrote:
> Hello!
> We are going to implement several bulk spatial operations needed in one
> project.
> May be there is existing implementation of algorithms using JTS
> functionality (for binary spatial operations) and GeoTools stuff to
> manipulate features.
> 1) Division of the layer with a set of polygonal features (like polygonal
> coverage) by the specified polygon (an argument).
> Input - FeatureStore with polygonal features, Polygon (one or more)
> Each Feature from FeatureStore{
> 	if(Feature intersects with Polygon){
> 		Divide a Feature geometry by Polygon boundaries into
> parcels;
> 		From each parcel create a feature and write to the output;
> 	}else{
> 		Write a Feature to the output without modifications;
> 	}
> }
> So , features are divided by polygon boundary into parcels, nothing more
> special.
> 2)Cutting of the set of features by a polygon (a mask). Cut everything from
> feature geometry that is outside of the mask polygon and write modified
> feature. What is the right name of the spatial operation..
> 3) There is polygonal coverage of features with topology consistency. The
> required operation analyzes every feature and depending on the condition
> merges the feature to one of the neighboring features with topology
> preserving. If the coverage is initially topologically consistent, then no
> problems using JTS stuff in binary context (between two geometries) cause
> during merging new vertices are not created.
> Those operations are intended to be integrated for UDIG. We would like not
> to invent a wheel whereas there is an implemented things.
> Vitali Diatchkov.
> _______________________________________________
> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

Mauricio Pazos

Axios Engineering
e-mail: maurcio.pazos@xxxxxxxx
tel-:+34 94 441 63 84
fax: +34-94 441 64 90

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