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Re: [Geotools-devel] [udig-devel] Testing for RC9 (plus image pyramid plans)

On 4-Feb-07, at 9:41 AM, Chris Holmes wrote:

However, it seems like Simone can lead us to bigger and better things. Simone, when uDig eventually integrates your work, will it be possible
to make a set of structured requests of the WMS to build a temporary
image pyramid to improve user responsiveness. A user has at most
2000x2000 pixels on their screen. The base request should be for
whatever area of interest (extent and scale) the map has when the user
adds the layer to the map (or makes it visible). However, once that
request is fulfilled, couldn't uDig start building an image pyramid on the fly so that whatever the user does next (pan, zoom) uDig would have the data. We can see immediately that there are a whole slew of issues
that arise in designing such a background pyramid building. Is this
something some of you have been pondering?

In my opinion the best way to do this would be to follow the WMS Client recommendation: WMS_Tiling_Client_Recommendation

This is what openlayers uses, so we'd benefit from the caching of servers that openlayers is hitting. They pre-request a buffer, but not the next zoom level. uDig could also easily cache and pre- cache in this way.


Currently uDig has no tiling what so ever. I'd love to see it in the future as well it makes for a nice user experience. Jody has done some work to make up a framework that can be leveraged by uDig.


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