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Re: [udig-devel] Testing for RC9

I tried the test product with the new SDK.
What I get is the following error, followed by a UDig version, that
misses a lot of classes and can't load the environment:

"Runtime link error - it appears that libXt got loaded before libXm,
which is not allowed."

I'm sure it is not a problem of the SDK, it seems more native, but I
can't figure out what to do. Also google doesn't say a lot about it.

Any idea?

Jesse Eichar wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've build RC9 and would like everyone to try it out.  You can get a
> hold of it at:
> Windows:
> <>
> Linux:
> <>
> Mac OSX:
> <>
> SDKs are at:
> Windows:
> Linux:
> Mac OSX: 
> Featured in this (soon to be) release is fixes for WFS rendering and
> normal rendering of points.  Fixes and speed improvements for Table view
> and basic edit tools.
> I've also made a small example plugin and feature that is an entire
> product and can be used as a simple template for customizations.  All
> you need to install the SDK.  See the SDK instructions on the WIKI:
> The example is not complete and will be fleshed out as time passes but
> here's the link to get you started:
> Have a good weekend,
> Jesse
> _______________________________________________
> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

HydroloGIS - Environmental Safety Modelling

Andrea Antonello
Environmental Engineer
mobile:  +393288497722

"Let it be as much a great honour to take as to give learning,
if you want to be called wise."
Skuggsja' - The King's mirror - 1240 Reykjavik

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