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RE: [udig-devel] Re: WFS bugs in RC8 Fixed

> I have used uDig with mapserver's WFS a few times.  But I have to say
> that Mapserver's WFS is not very good.  A large part of that is
> because they do not support post which limits the filters that can be
> sent.  I don't think we have a check for that yet so it is possible
> for a request to fail because of it.  Although that is not common for
> normal usage but could potentially be an issue for rendering
> complicated styles.
> Jesse

Jesse, I was unable to unpack a recent build and successfully connect to
my Mapserver WFS, but *only* when I set the output SRS to EPSG:4326,
WGS84 lat/lon.  Does this have to do with the way the bounding box is
given in lat/lon in the GetCapabililities output?  Is this a
limitation/shortcoming of the client or the server in this case?  Also,
when I set MS to expose some or all attributes uDig throws an error an
won't render the features.  What do you think is going on here?  I
would show you some output but for some reason when my output SRS is
set to 4326 Mapserver refuses to include any data in response to a wget
but complies nicely for 42303 (NAD83 / Albers NorthAm).

BTW, the Mapserver docs indicate that GET and POST are supported now and
I have had varying success with both when using MS as both client and
server.  It appears that the client gets confused and applies layer
styles incorrectly when two POST layers are coming from the same

Is this helpful at all?  I will relate this on mapserver-user as well.


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