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Re: [udig-devel] Exporting uDig product problem

End of file eh.  That is odd.   Here are a few things that I always look out for:

1.  If you are exporting on Windows (I would recommend against it because of the restrictions on file name length) make sure you do the export to a directory close to the root for example c:\rel.  Also try to have your eclipse and your workspace close to the root:  c:\eclipse and c:\workspace.
2.  In the udig.product remove the rcp from the configuration and add it again to ensure that it is trying to export the version that you have on your machine.  

It is usually not difficult to do exports but there are occasionally little issues like this that occur and have to be figured out.  Like I said I usually try to export on Linux.  Although I have been doing on windows recently.  


On 31-Jan-07, at 5:39 AM, Javier Cámara wrote:

Hi, list

we are trying to export the uDig product using the 'Eclipse Product Export Wizard', following the steps of the uDig document:

(I was consider the Export Application too: )

And...surprise!!! we obtain an error.

Actually, we only try with a 'clean' uDig workspace (checkout from http:// ), without our plugins on it, only for first tests of export process.

We have to configure a pair of uDig environment (for Lite and Pro versions), but this is another history...

Our actual (and vital problem) is about exporting process, because we obtain an EOFException:

this error is about the next line (relative to icons config...I supose):

<eclipse.brand root="${eclipse.base}/win32.win32.x86/${collectingFolder}" icons="${launcherIcons}, ${basedir}/..\..\..\..\..\net.refractions.udig\icons\icon16x16.bmp, ${basedir}/..\..\..\..\..\net.refractions.udig\icons\icon16x16_8bits.bmp, ${basedir}/..\..\..\..\..\net.refractions.udig\icons\icon24x24_8bits.bmp, ${basedir}/..\..\..\..\..\net.refractions.udig\icons\icon32x32.bmp, ${basedir}/..\..\..\..\..\net.refractions.udig\icons\icon32x32_8bits.bmp, ${basedir}/..\..\..\..\..\net.refractions.udig\icons\icon48x48.bmp, ${basedir}/..\..\..\..\..\net.refractions.udig\icons\icon48x48_8bits.bmp" name="${launcherName}" os="${os}"        />

Anybody had this problem? Any suggestions?

I told with Jesse about our intention (generate two distinct versions), and suggest an uDig patch process, but it seems to be more simply to create the distribution using Eclipse Product Export...(if it works!!!)


Javier Cámara
Subdirección de Sistemas Informáticos
E.P. Desarrollo Agrario y Pesquero
c/Bergantín, 39 - 41012 Sevilla.  España
Tlfno: 955059762
Corporativo: 359762

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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