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Re: [udig-devel] Problems with uDIG Table View and Rendering

Hi. Right now in order to keep the different plugins decoupled the features are loaded once by the table view for viewing and again by the Renderer for rendering. I haven't come up with a good solution yet beyond adding paging to the table so that the table view does not load all the features. Once the table view is populated it has the features in memory and should be fast. However it does take a while to load especially if the renderer is going at the same time. There could be a way to hook the renderer and the tableview together but I am hesitant because the renderer does not request all attributes and because the table view does not request the geometries(which the renderer naturally needs). We have planned on adding paging to the table so I could get on that potentially.

The table that is used is the SWT table with the Virtual style set so it should be able to be as fast as a JTable.

At least with open JUMP (I don't know about gvSIG) the features are kept in memory. So openJump is very fast but it is also not very scalable.

If you (or anyone else) has suggestions I'd love to hear. For example is the paging model one you are interested in?



On 25-Jan-07, at 8:21 AM, Carsten Ehbrecht wrote:


i'm testing uDIG to use it as a base GIS application for my company. I would like to load 50000-500000 point features from a postgis database. The uDIG table view can't handle so many features and the map rendering is slow. When working with OpenJUMP and gvSIG i don't have these problems. Especially the table is working with no problems (using JTable, Swing).

- Why do these problems occur in uDIG? (using swt table? using swt rendering?)
- How can these problems be fixed?
- What would you guess how much effort would it be to fix it?

Best Regards
User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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