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Re: [udig-devel] JGrass and uDig

On Tue, 2007-01-23 at 09:46 +0100, Antonello Andrea wrote:
> Hi list,
> I'm Andrea Antonello, coordinator of JGrass.
> For those that do not know JGrass at all, it is a GIS heavily dedicated to 
> hydrogeomorphologic issues. While it is very advanced in that field, we
> have problems on everything regarding vectors (features) and in general
> to keep uptodate the more generic GIS related base.
> Lots of changes are going on at the moment in the JGrass team and
> architecture. One thought and wish of mine would be that to join the
> uDig development and merge all the raster algorythms into it, as well as
> everything suitable from JGrass. Following the last coverage changes in
> geotools, I guess this should be possible and would bring positive
> additions to both groups. Please take into consideration that this would 
> anyway mean a hughe amount of work from our side.
> To understand if this could be in fact feasible, I would need to talk 
> to someone (or the IRC channel) about advantages and if and how this
> could be achieved. 
> Please let me first of all know if the uDig team is interested in this and to
> who I may talk to about this issue.
> Best regards,
> Andrea
> _______________________________________________
> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

Thanks for your wonderful offer to collaborate! It would indeed be
really cool to have access to this functionality in uDig/Geotools. Since
it sounds like a lot of work we should indeed try to map it out.

When you talk about hydrogeomoprhic work, doesn't this explicitly
require a 3D data model? I'm assuming you are doing ground water models
which used to be quite strong in GRASS. If so, Geotools has not yet
taken on going to a full 3D data model.

On the Geotools side, Martin Desruisseaux is one of the best people for
scientific modeling/raster/georeferencing, Simone Giannecchini is
leading the push on improved raster technologies, and Jody Garnett has
been pushing the systematic development strategy. (They are all on the
geotools list to which I've CC'ed this message.) 

On the uDig side, Jesse Eichar is a main contributor to the code. Your
discussion should try to pull in all those three characters.

Thanks for working on Free GIS and I hope we can find ways to help each


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