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Re: [udig-devel] Issues with re-projecting point shapefiles

Please send me the file. I'll see what the story is with them and let you know.

On 20-Jan-07, at 11:56 AM, Dan Putler wrote:

Hi All,

I'm working with NAD83 Lon/Lat coordinate files that I'm turning into shapefile sets using the Maptools package in R (which is based on Shapelib). One problem is that Maptools does not create a *.prj file. To create one, I've both run the files through ogr2ogr to create them, and simply copied and renamed a file with the correct projection information from a line vector file that behaved properly in uDig. In both cases, uDig doesn't appear to be finding the projection information. Moreover, even when I specify the coordinate system in the layer properties for these point layers, when I re-project the map view into a UTM projection the points are not rendered.

I can send along the files for inspection. I'm running on uDig 1.1 RC8 at the moment.

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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