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Re: [udig-devel] performance

Jesse Eichar ha scritto:
I made a few changes so now rather than taking 1.44s to render a small shapefile it takes 300 ms. However playing around more it still seems slower than it should be.

Well Jesse, it's still 4 times faster. Quite an accomplishment I'd say
Yet you're right, 300ms is exactly on the threshold that makes the average human notice the delay.

It could be the number of threads involved and have to be started. I thought thread pools were used by eclipse by I'm not sure that is true so maybe is we use thread pools we can make it faster. Another place where there probably are problems is the conversion between AWT images to SWT images. We may need to make a good SWT Graphics2D implementation. Or possibly just move to OpenGL.

This is my usual postgis map, zoomed in on the Greek islands:

[EventJob] Mouse released - Stopwatch reset at 1168332532593
[CompositeRendererJob] run started:	16
[RenderExecutorImpl] scheduling render job:	16
[RenderJob] run started:	16
[BasicFeatureRenderer] prepare:	16
[BasicFeatureRenderer] start rendering:	32
[BasicFeatureRenderer] rendering ended:	235
[RenderJob] run terminated:	235
[CompositeRendererJob] run terminated:	250
[ViewportPaneSWT] create image, before:	250
[ViewportPaneSWT] create image, after:	250

Lots better than before, and the time is apparently all spent in
the rendering process. This is with the usual Geoserver states.shp
demo data:

[EventJob] Mouse released - Stopwatch reset at 1168332681328
[CompositeRendererJob] run started:	0
[RenderExecutorImpl] scheduling render job:	0
[RenderJob] run started:	0
[ShapefileFeatureRenderer] prepare:	0
[ShapefileFeatureRenderer] start rendering:	15
[ShapefileFeatureRenderer] rendering ended:	47
[RenderJob] run terminated:	47
[CompositeRendererJob] run terminated:	62
[ViewportPaneSWT] create image, before:	62
[ViewportPaneSWT] create image, after:	78

As you can see, quite fast here too. There are still some little
time spent somehow in setting up the renderer and between the render
job and composite render job termination that do show in both
"profiles" (just sysouts in fact).

Jesse, congratulations, uDig feels a lot faster now :-)
If I may say something, the scroll wheel delay is a big long.
I would set it to 300ms, or make it user configurable.


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