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Re: [udig-devel] Features aren't displayed

On 5-Jan-07, at 7:19 PM, Antonio Redondo Lora wrote:

Hi list, I'm one of  the Angel colleagues.

First of all, I 'd like thank you, Jesse, by your attention.

We are sorry we response you so late.
We were not at our office yesterday and we will not return there until next Monday morning. I'll send you one of the "wrong" shape files as soon as possible.

Interesting info ...

  1. Projection ED50 (EPSG:23030 ED50/UTM zone 30N) - South of Spain

Ok maybe it has something to do with the projection...

  2. >It appears that the features that are missing are along
the bottom of the view area.  Do the missing features
ever show up?  Try zooming in towards some of the
missing features, also try refreshing a couple times.

It doesn't work althouh, as we said, the features are displayed in the Feature Table View. (That is what I can't understand, the alphanumeric data is shown but features aren't rendered!).

For the table view the features are obtained by a different means. The Feature Table just asks for all features. The rendering code only asks for the features in the in the "legal" area for that layer. The "legal" area is computed by taking the bounding box in the CRS of the data and reprojecting the box to what ever the view port bbox is. Usually a box of more than 4 corners is used (for example a number of samples along each side) to calculate the shape of the area then the bounds of that area is used. This results in a bounding box of close to but always slightly bigger so it should always get the data. But if I remember correctly it maybe that the reprojection code only uses 4 corners which could be smaller than the area...

But this is speculation, if the data is in the same CRS as the viewport then something different is happening. Once I have the data I'll be able to solve the problem for sure.

3. >One more thing. Try deleting the .prj file and see if it renders

      I think, it doesn't work too. I'll test it next Morning.

Great let me know. And also check to see if it renders correctly when the viewport(map) is in EPSG:4326.


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