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Re: [udig-devel] Data Format, Text Delimited

Adrian, awesome. Thanks for providing these steps. I used the BC Hospital example, randomly assigned each hospital one of 5 types, and generated a map that showed location and type. Thanks...these steps are exactly what I needed to complete some initial analysis...John

On Nov 30, 2006, at 11:41 AM, Adrian Custer wrote:


As a workaround for now, you might be able to use OOcalc to edit the
dBase file directly. I just tried and it works.

Shapefiles come in sets with the same base name and different
extensions. All of the attribute data in shapefiles reside in the .dbf
file.'s Calc spreadsheet can read and write .dbf files.
So you can open up the .dbf file as well as your data file, sort them
into a similar order, paste your data into the .dbf file and save that
file. Then, when you open your shapefile into uDig, the data will

Next you're going to want to style your maps according to the
attributes, aren't you? Well we just can't quite to that yet either but
are getting close.


On Thu, 2006-11-30 at 11:25 -0600, John Oeffinger wrote:
Hello Paul,

Thanks...I really like the uDIG interface. I am able to use it for
some census related information and have found it very straight-
forward and intuitive. I dropped GRASS last year because I just did
not have the time to go through the learning curve. I appreciate the
hard work you and the members of the uDIG development community put
in to making this a very solid, user-friendly (even for newbies),

On Nov 30, 2006, at 11:18 AM, Paul Ramsey wrote:


As you can see, the answer to your question is "no, not yet
possible". However, I am very glad you asked, and in such a
succinct way -- this is one of the classic desktop GIS use cases,
and a high priority for us going forward.


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