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Re: [udig-devel] IGeoResource questions from development land

Jesse Eichar wrote:
- Catalog "events" with getInfo( ... ) granularity; this is needed. Making the catalog event system extend down to the information available via ServiceInfo is not a bad thing
How about we do this after the next release candidate?
- IGeoResource.parent( monitor ) - returns a IService (which is wrong, and has been wrong and fixed three times - is now the time for the fix to stick?)
Going forward this is a great idea. WMS have a hierarchy and this will allow that construct to make more sense.

- IGeoResource.service( monitor ) - if this method is needed it can be added ... although a quick loop with parent would produce the same effect
The above parent / service methods are a package deal - commit being applied now. We will save revealing nested WMS layers and database schemas until a future release?
- IService / IGeoResource "warnings"; right now we have one single Throwable, all implementations make use of this Throwable to only talk about the "preferred" - ie why getStatus() == BROKEN. We need something in user terms; no doubt attached to the info objects
Something easy to access and implement is needed. This is critical for uDig because right now we have no consistent way to indicating to the user what issues there may be with the configuration.
So we need to get a change into the mix at the GeoTools level:
- Use their GeoResource / GeoResourceInfo objects to get the job done?
- Pass in something to the connection process like a ProgressMonitor that can collect the warnings... (We should also make use of their "internationalization" support; so we can punt in warnings that are expressed in user, and udig, terms)

I would like to see the warnings stored as either; "session properties" (see below), or as additional methods available on IResolve (we can deprecate the use of a raw Throwable as shortsighted). I had thought of attaching these to the Info object; but frankly the info object is not the one that had the problems and it would be best to leave it as pure metadata.
- IService.dispose() - seems to be required; it is too bad the concept cannot hidden to local catalog - rather then something user code *must* call
Thinking this through I would like to replace the idea of dispose() with ...
- use of session properties for caching things like the actual DataStore
- offer a properties + lifecycle = blackboard
Once again lets wait until the next release candidate; can I confirm that dispose was only added for uDig 1.1.x?
The following ideas from IResource have also been requested in the last year:
- IService / IGeoResource "session properties"
- IService / IGeoResource "persistent properties"
Can we should consider session properties for uDig 1.1; and leave persistent properties until later.

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