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Re: [udig-devel] IResolve to Resolve ...

Jody Garnett wrote:
So we are stuck between a rock and a hard place, GeoTools 2.2 has not been out long but it is out, if not changing the method name would of been an option .. I also do not want to destabilize the uDig codebase by changing to URI at this time.

Trying option 2 ....
Option 2 has proved a success ... you can find a GeoToolsAdapters class in net.refractions.catalog.util - it has enough stuff to wrap from GeoTools Service -> uDig IService, and GeoTools GeoResource to IGeoResource.

I have asked Jesse to hook up the IResolveAdapterFactory interface to the net.refractions.catalog.resolves extension point I defined yesterday. Hopefully we will hear back how that went shortly.


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