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[udig-devel] Re: getIdentifier URL or URI

Probably after talking with Jesse :-)

So as an update I asked Justin and Jesse to talk on skype the other day and we arrived at the following:
1. URI is much "nicer" to work with then URL for this purpose
2. Justin has a deadline this week, he is using his GeoTools Catalog code for his WFS 1.1 implementation
3. Jesse has a deadline next week
4. Earliest we can do something is the middle of September

Short Term:
As a temporary hack I have made an "adapter" between the two interfaces, it will allows us to write a Service/GeoResource once for both uDig and GeoServer but it is not a great solution.

Long Term:
1. Change GeoTools Resolve.getIdentifier(): URI to Resolve.getId() on 2.2.1 and 2.2.0 (with no documentation catalog api is not wildly used yet) 2. Change uDig IResolve to extend GeoTools Resolve and deprecated IResolve.getIdenitifier(): URL

As I recall Jody it was your recommendation that we switch to URI. :)

Jody Garnett wrote:
So guys what is it going to be?
1) uDig can move to URI - uDig can hit the big reactor button, URI would
let us use a readable "jdbc url", but I recall there was a Java 5 API
change to URI
2) URL - GeoTools interfaces have not been out long, so not a lot of
code will break if we switch, but URL is a pain to use (witness terrible
encoding for jdbc connection information in uDig)
Some GeoServer code will break but it will be minimal.
PS. Yes I feel responsible for not getting the catalog interfaces in
geotools reviewed, they were in my API module :-(


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