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Re: [udig-devel] uDig as IDE extension

We are simply plugins, for use with RCP or with Eclipse. You could make use of us in an Eclipse IDE (say in visualizing features found in a debugger run!), but I am not sure I can think of a real need.

One thing we do not have is a Map "ViewPart", we do have a MapEditor and the model used there can serve as the basis for your own view if you want. But right now we have focused on hooking into the Editor lifecycle. We are very interested in making a more general purpose component as several of the applications based on uDig simply want display and do not really want to save/load that display.

Hi uDiggers,

I am lately doing some research on integrating different Eclipse code bases (some of my own code, uDig and the Eclipse IDE) into one application. I think I read some discussion about how uDig runs as IDE extension (instead of RCP) some months ago, but cannot remember any details.

Can someone give me a short overview if/how this is going to work specifically with uDig 1.1, what problems have to be faced etc.
I looked for some docu on the uDig pages related to this topic, but found none. If I have overlooked it, please point my nose to it.

(This is not urgent.)

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