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[udig-devel] Re: [Geotools-devel] Google Summer Of Code

Daniele Romagnoli a écrit :
I'm Daniele Romagnoli, the Summer Of Code student working on the ImageIO-GDAL integration proposal, having Simone Giannecchini as my Mentor.

This very interresting project may bring an issue that I would like to point out. Our current Geotools directory structure left few room for other languages than Java. I'm partially responsible for this unfortunate situation since I asked for "not too deep" directory tree when the current structure was setle down in 2002 - at that time, I didn't imagined that Geotools would ever involve anything else than Java. We already see some consequences of that choice: for example no "natural" place where to put the Ant scripts for the "maven/javadoc" module. The "expr.jjt" file in the main module may be an other example. This issue may become more accute if for some reason we wish to host C/C++ code in the Geotools project for GDAL or Proj.4 bindings for example (I realize that GDAL bindings already exists, but if we use more C/C++ code in Geotools, there is also some chances that soon or later we meet the need for additional C/C++ code for particular cases). I'm also aware of a group of peoples who may be interrested to contribute to metadata in Geotools, and part of their contribution may be in the form of PHP scripts.

May proposal is to change the Geotools directory structure in order to comply to the Maven standard published there:

For the Geotools code base, this mean that the following changes would need to be performed for each module:

  * Java source code currently in 'src' directory would need to move to 'src/main/java' directory.
  * Test source code currently in 'test' directory would need to move to 'src/test/java' directory.
  * Resources currently bundled in the 'src' directory (together with Java sources) would need to
    move to their own 'src/main/resources' directory.

This change would not be performed immediately. We would probably need to merge all branches first. No date is scheduled; I'm only bringing this topic for discussion purpose. I openned a JIRA task for that:

If the PMC and contributors agree with this proposal, I can volunter for doing this task this fall (maybe in October). Actually it should not be a very long task to carry for the guy who performs the reorganisation. The most disturbing thing is that every contributors would have to reconfigure their IDE.


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