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Re: [udig-devel] FOSS4G Presentations (and who is going anyways)...

and don't forget that the deadline for submitting an abstract is this Saturday!


Jody Garnett wrote:
Hi everyone, I am planning on attending the FOSS4G conference this year and would like to give a couple presentations on GeoTools (my understanding is presentations are around 30 min long with questions).

GeoTools a Practitioner's Approach
This presentation will run through the GeoTools library, covering what this powerful GIS toolkit can offer your next Geospatial project. An overview of the library will be provided, with a discussion of the available services. We will also cover the supported plug-ins, and extensions
that make GeoTools useful in day to day operation.

GeoTools Next
The GeoTools community is active and is chasing down many of the problems that trouble today's Geospatial application developers. Topics covered will range from documentation and QA, to the recent work on coverages and revised feature model. The approach used for handling of rich content such as metadata and GML3 will also be discussed. This talk will address several weakness
in the GeoTools library and what is being done to address them.

And depending on interest....

uDig as a GIS Platform
The User-friendly desktop Internet GIS application is a wonderful way to start exploring both your own data and the use of open standards in your organization. Did you know it also serves as a powerful platform for the generation of new applications? This talk will provide an overview of the uDig GIS Platform, and conclude with a series of case studies from around the world.

Of course I am excited about all the fun stuff happening in GeoServer as well ... but we will
see what Justin comes up with.


Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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