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[udig-devel] Application directory in repository

Hi everyone,

I'd like to propose a change to the repository structure. The reason is that the community folder is HUGE and makes checking out uDig a real pain in the @#$.

The current repository structure is as follows:

--- branches
--- trunk
    --- community
    --- plugins
    --- features
    --- fragments
    --- bin
    --- deploy
    --- gt
    --- libs
    --- scripts
    --- tutorials
--- tags

I am considering modifying the structure to this:

--- branches
--- trunk
    --- community
    --- udig
	--- plugins
	--- features
	--- fragments
	--- bin
	--- deploy
	--- gt
	--- scripts
	--- tutorials
--- tags

This would permit people to just check out udig.

Hmmm I'm having a second idea. We could set up a new section for our friends from Peru (Diva GIS) so they are no longer in the community folder.



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