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Re: [udig-devel] How to calculate a translated point with his original gps coordinate ?

The toolcontext will help a great deal with this sort of thing. There are 2 ways to get a tool context:

1.  If the class is a tool the getContext() will get the context.
2.  ApplicationGIS.creatContext(map).

Once you have a context you can go to world coordinate using the method context.pixelToWorld( x,y ). That translates the pixel to a location in world coordinates.

Once in map coordinates you may have to transform into layer coordinates. Unfortunately we done have a method in the layer that makes this as simple as it should be so you have to do the following:

Coordinate c=context.pixelToWorld();
Coordinate layerCoord=new Coordinate();
JTS.transform(c, layerCoord, layer.mapToLayerTransform() );


On 22-Jun-06, at 2:30 AM, wouaco@xxxxxxx wrote:

In my jpg/jgw import plugin, users can click on a point on an image of which they know gps coordinate in a way to calculate the UTM upper left pixel
coordinate for the world file...
I have the code to convert GPS coordinate to UTM but i don't know how
translating the gps coordinate with pixel coordinate of the reference point.

Could you help me please ?
PS: sorry if my english is bad...

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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