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Re: [udig-devel] Error in udig 1.1 RC1 when loading ESRI WFSConnection

WFS is on my hit list right after I work some of the outstanding issues with postgis. Neither are as well tested as I would like and I intend to focus on getting both modules working well. This is a bug that I have noticed before and believe that there is a bug report to that effect.


On 20-Jun-06, at 6:15 PM, Michael Thadani wrote:


Good question, getting a null pointer exception when trying to access
the FeatureType eh?
Looks like either the GetCapabilities is not being parsed (what version

of WFS is the server using). Or the schema is not being parsed - are
using GML2?

It looks like it is WFS 1.0, judging by connection string supplied by
the IMS Service.
(http://localhost/wfsconnector/com.esri.wsit.WFSServlet/ selected_feature

If it helps, the WFS getCapabilities message is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <WFS_Capabilities xmlns="";
xmlns:ogc=""; version="1.0.0">
- <Service>
  <Name>ESRI Basic Web Feature Service</Name>
  <Title>ESRI OGC compliant Basic WFS Server</Title>
  <Abstract>This is an OGC compliant MapService. The engine used to
serve this MapService is ArcIMS</Abstract>
  <Keywords>ESRI, ArcIMS Feature MapService</Keywords>

<OnlineResource>http://localhost/wfsconnector/ com.esri.wsit.WFSServlet/s
- <Capability>
- <Request>
- <GetCapabilities>
- <DCPType>
- <HTTP>
onlineResource="http://localhost/wfsconnector/ com.esri.wsit.WFSServlet/s
elected_feature?" />
- <DCPType>
- <HTTP>
onlineResource="http://localhost/wfsconnector/ com.esri.wsit.WFSServlet/s
elected_feature?" />
- <DescribeFeatureType>
- <SchemaDescriptionLanguage>
- <DCPType>
- <HTTP>
onlineResource="http://localhost/wfsconnector/ com.esri.wsit.WFSServlet/s
elected_feature?" />
- <GetFeature>
- <ResultFormat>
  <GML2 />
- <DCPType>
- <HTTP>
onlineResource="http://localhost/wfsconnector/ com.esri.wsit.WFSServlet/s
elected_feature?" />
- <FeatureTypeList>
- <Operations>
  <Query />
- <FeatureType>
  <Title>Feature polygon class selected_countries (id=0)</Title>
  <LatLongBoundingBox minx="-180" miny="-90" maxx="180"
maxy="81.8519287109375" />
- <FeatureType>
  <Title>Feature point class selected_cities (id=1)</Title>
<LatLongBoundingBox minx="-176.151565551758" miny="-46.4129981994629"
maxx="179.221893310547" maxy="78.1999969482422" />
- <ogc:Filter_Capabilities>
- <ogc:Spatial_Capabilities>
- <ogc:Spatial_Operators>
  <ogc:BBOX />
  <ogc:Intersect />
- <ogc:Scalar_Capabilities>
  <ogc:Logical_Operators />
- <ogc:Comparison_Operators>
  <ogc:Simple_Comparisons />
  <ogc:Like />
  <ogc:Between />



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