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[udig-devel] Image processing routines (and the BEAM software)

Hi all,
I would like to have some feedback on the attempts so far from people to add image processing functionality to uDig.

I have seen some posts on integrating OSSIM for instance (!?).

I was wondering if routines developed for the BEAM software (ESA funded) could be integrated into uDig. The BEAM software is released under GPL and seems powerful, fast and modular. Couldn't a collaboration be established between the two projects to benefit of the flexible architecture of uDig/Eclipse and of the uDig community while using the powerful routines developed by BEAM? BEAM is all developed in Java and the source code is available through the installer. I do not see an active developer community for the project though.

A merger may result in a set of powerful, fully Java based image processing routines.

Looking foward for some ideas and suggestions here,

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