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[udig-devel] Eclipse Manger configuration vs uDig build

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I just ran into a strange situation ... I normally set up Eclipse with a series of "locations". This is very handy when working with multiple developers, or upgrading your eclipse while leaving your plug-ins alone ...

That looks something like this:

You can see that the contents of my C:\java\extras\eclipse are what gets bundled up for the eclipse_extras download that makes
the uDig installation so easy. (Cory when you update eclipse_extras you may want to set things up in the same manner).

However since I last made eclipse extras (in Feb) something has changed with the uDig 1.1 codebase ... this configuration fails for
the PDE Build, it cannot find EObject (even though it managed to depend on emf correctly).
Severity    Description    Resource    In Folder    Location    Creation Time    Id
2    The import org.eclipse.emf.ecore cannot be resolved    net.refractions.udig.project/src/net/refractions/udig/project/internal    line 21    April 23, 2006 1:00:33 PM    54482
I actually needed to reinstall everything, and install EMF into my "base" eclipse location for things to function:

This is a new change since last time I made eclipse extras, I am not sure what caused it... has anyone else run into this? It only effects udig
development, working from the uDig SDK still works fine.


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