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Re: [udig-devel] TextSymbolizer

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M.S.Bachler wrote:

Thanks for the tip about setting the Label in Simple view.
It allowed me to correct my SLD text by looking at the XML it produced.

However, I have adjusted my SLD, and now it draws the label, but it is
ignoring my Displacement values.
It draws it at 0,0 displacement (over my icon).

I tried looking at the SLD in the XML section of the Style Editor and it
had the displacement as 0,0?
Q: Is the XML section not a view of the associated SLD file?

I tried adding displacement values in the XML section, and pressed
'Apply' and it went of in one of it's never-ending hour glasses and I
had to crash out again. It does this a lot, even if I just swap between
Simple and XML view!
Maybe it's my machine.
Hmm... I can't reproduce this crashing validator bug, but i've just committed the change to make validation of the sld optional (only for the user's benefit) -- it was slow and unwieldy, and this change makes things nice and snappy. So you should be able to modify your SLD as you please -- if there is an error, you'll get a popup.

Anyway, I have attached a zip with sld and shp etc for my point layer
I have also attached the base layer map that the otter sits on
( - it does not seem to draw without the base map there)
I have also attached the otter picture I am using (you will need to
adjust the path in the sld file).

When you load all this into uDig you will see that it seems to ignore
the placement values and draws the text 'fred' over the otter picture by
the hidden point, instead of below it where I have asked it to in the
SLD displacements.
Displacement worked as expected for me, please see the attached screenshot and SLD. Earlier this wasn't working for me, but now it is... go figure. My guess is the SLD wasn't being applied.


GIF image

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